Caillan Richards
My story of success

Learn how working with ABA helped Caillan achieve great progress in his business and personal life

Caillan Richards

Location: Perth, Western Australia
  • Organic Food Cafe and Wholesale
ABA Service/s:
  • Leadership and Communication Skills Transformation Workshop
  • 12 Month Sales Skills Accelerator Program
ABA team member/s: Mike

Results of working with ABA

“Results were far better than I expected in terms of business progression and personal life progression. Totally exceeded expectations.”  – Caillan Richards

Within 18 months, Caillan has:

  • Opened a cafe & a wholesale bakery
  • Grown turnover by 50% with zero advertising
  • Purchased another business

And this was all during the difficult pandemic years. Here’s the story in Caillan’s words:

“When we started the journey, we had just opened our wholesale business. Then at the start of pandemic, we opened our cafe.

18 months later, we’ve expanded the business, and turnover has grown by over 50 percent, without any spend on marketing. We’ve put things in place to keep expanding , and purchased another business. We plan to grow revenue by triple in the next 12 months.

From a personal perspective, I know that I am far more willing and able to face and deal with any situation that arises. No matter what meeting I go to, I have so much more mental clarity and the ability to process things on the spot.

My wife 18 months ago was really unable to do normal day to day activities. She was unable to work and really struggling. Now, 18 months later, the difference is amazing. She’s confident, able, back on track in life. I couldn’t be happier with the difference this has made in our life. She’s willing and able to challenge herself in life, and she’s so much more positive in her mindset.”

> Read Alessia Richards’s case study here

The Problem Explained

History and initial problem?
What Caillan thought it was.

The main problem I wanted help with was my inexperience in business. Going from having no experience in having a business it was a daunting task to start. I was looking for expertise and help to make sure we did as best as we could. Business-wise.

After doing the 2-day course, I realised the value this would provide me in my personal life as well. I was really concerned with my wife’s mental health. I really wanted my wife to experience the same things that I did in the workshops.

The core problem?
What we found it to be.

The topic that overlaps the the two challenges Caillan was facing is communication skills. This is where we helped Caillan the most, and he was able to use the tools he learned with us to grow his business and support his wife.

Why I Choose Advanced Business Abilities

My thoughts & fears of investing in ABA
My emotions before meeting ABA

I was excited, and enjoy taking risks. At the same time there was a lot of fear. Unknown of what we were getting ourself into. There was also hope, for changing our lifestyles for the better and the lives of others.

Why I felt resistance hiring a business coach?

I was concerned that it was going to be a waste of time and money. What other pressures is this going to put on our day to day lives and our future.

What got him to take the first step?

The main thing was that as a business, 2 people could be involved. That meant that both Alessia and myself could be involved. I had zero intention of signing up for a one-year program when I came to the event.

However, I never would have thought that I would enter into a year program. My wife could see after the 3-day event that it would be so valuable to have the support and knowledge of ABA behind us.

What did Caillan like about ABA's or Mike's initial approach?

I loved being able to get my wife involved in and understanding the basics of the approach without there being a cost involved for her to experience this.

I had already done some training via a company that I had worked with who hired ABA, so I knew it was good. I wanted my wife to be able to understand that, and the event gave her that understanding.

What was their expectation of what they would receive from ABA as an outcome?

I figured that Mike and the team would be there to support us with ideas, communication skills, sales techniques, and overall increasing revenue for the business.

On the personal side of things, I wanted to increase our knowledge of communication in general and apply it in life. These expectations were definitely exceeded. I can’t believe the depth involved in this program and how much I’ve learned about communication and personal interaction skills.

I regularly have customers come in the shop and tell me that they can't get the experience they have with us anywhere else from the perspective of connection and interaction.

Progress Step by Step

Caillan's first objective was to overcome his inexperience and run a successful business. Secondly, he wanted support for his wife. The topic that overlaps these 2 things is communication skills, and this is where we helped Caillan the most.

Discovery Session
1 hour with Mike
Step 1

I loved being able to get my wife involved in and understanding the basics of the approach without there being a cost involved for her to experience this. I had already done some training via a company that I had worked with who hired ABA, so I knew it was good. I wanted my wife to be able to understand that, and the event gave her that understanding.

Strategy Session 1
Completed predictor profiles
Step 2

Very eye-opening. It was interesting to understand that emotions etc were able to be measured.
I was amazed by how accurate they were. There wasn’t anything too unexpected, and there were things to work on. I was excited with the idea that these things could be changed/altered, and that meant that I could get a better result.

The science behind the success! Before and after working with us

The science of success is tangible. The most successful people are able to focus their attention on the important tasks, they work efficiently and without friction. Their staff work harder, their sales come easier. It's a totally different ball-game.

The below chart is a sample of the mindset data we scientifically test for. We then work with you (hands-on) to adjust your tendencies, unlock resistance and give you back the clarity of mind that drives success.

The results below are not only common, but expected. As the bars rise, frustration dissipates, sales become frictionless, and the entire culture of your staff and yourself changes. Almost like magic, you see rapid growth, in fact, 99.7% of our clients see rapid improvement within just 12 weeks!

Feeling inspired? Want to learn what ABA can do for you?

Request Free Discovery Session

Time to unlock your success? It starts with assessing your mindset. Book in a free strategy session with ABA to understand the process.

Business Executives from around the world always say "I wish I'd spoken to you sooner". Don't miss your chance, request a free session now!

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