Our Approach

By implementing a series of actions to your life and business, we can help you perform better and become more successful.

The ABA Science-based
Coaching Process

ABA's business coaching system is unique. We use science to track and benchmark your progress into deeply meaningful data, charts and insights. Our clients can visualise their progress and goals to unlock their future success.

“Find what’s
blocking you”

Stage 1

Success Predictor Profiling

The Success Predictor Profile is a scientific analysis tool that replaces and fast-tracks the normal analysis phase of coaching. Instead of taking 40+ hours and thousands of dollars to form subjective opinions (the traditional approach), the Success Profiling tool condenses this down to 1.5 hours and produces scientifically-proven insights into your personality, strengths and areas for improvement. It then presents these in visually meaningful charts, backed with data and hours of psychological insights.

“Create your

Stage 2

Data analysis, insights and goal setting

Mike explains the test data and delves deep into the problems you've identified (work and personal) to show how the identified traits are fuelling these issues. We then map your overall goals, and construct a pathway to rapidly help you achieve them.

These exploratory sessions are extremely powerful with clients who consistently express great feelings of relief, like a weight has been removed from their shoulders, they can finally see a pathway forward.

“Stay successful
& fulfilled”

Stage 3

Regular sessions, feedback andreal-world application

Applying your new insights and tactical approaches to the real-world requires ongoing reflection and course correction. Mike guides you through this, with coaching sessions designed to flesh out issues and create a pathway for rapidly overcoming obstacles.

Momentum breeds momentum. Our clients experience rapid growth because they are no longer constrained with self-doubt and decision paralysis. As momentum grows the wheels of success turn faster and the results flow naturally.

How far can you go?

We are selective with who we work with for a reason. If you meet the criteria, are willing to be guided through self-analysis and implement change, then the sky is the limit. Our clients report incredible business growth, happy family lives and more time spent doing what they love.

Success with ABA isn't fleeting. We build you into a better version of yourself, armed with the tools to succeed in whichever area of your life you turn your mind to. Want proof? Watch our testimonial videos to see client after client tell the same story of growth, success and happiness.

If you are still reading this, then click the button below to enquire now. You will thank yourself later.


Transformational client success

Hear what our clients have to say

“If I take a step back and look, it's been pretty amazing what we've achieved in that short period of time, and I'm pretty confident we wouldn't have achieved this level of success without engaging and working with Mike and the team. ”

Mike Haydon

Founder & CEO - 24 Hour Solar Power

“The depth of information in these assessments is incredible. Not only have they helped me to hire great employees, but they also provide information I can think with when I’m managing and developing our people. They’ve had a huge impact on my team, and also on my own ability to understand and develop them. Their accuracy is amazing and I can’t recommend them highly enough.”

Kent Menos

Managing Director

“Working with Mike has changed a lot of things for me. It's made sales calls so much easier and more enjoyable. It's really made me more confident and actually excited to get on sales calls, which is something I thought I would never say.”

Amy Bliefnick

Founder - 511 West

“The results this provided were incredible. My life is easier and more effortless in every way. It’s amazing how quickly resistance disappears with this process. ”

Rob Frketic

ABA executive business coach logo

Free Discovery Session

Book an obligation-free video call with corporate business coach Mike Irving today and begin your journey to real success in life and business.


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