
6 Indicators of Perturbation

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  • 6 Indicators of Perturbation

G’day… I thought we’d continue on the theme of Perturbation today because it’s such an important part of life and business that get’s overlooked.

If you didn’t see it, here’s a link to my previous post about What is Perturbation.

When we Perturbate, there are many indicators.  I’ll include the top 6 here – know that it is not limited to these.

Before I talk about those, I’d like to check in to make sure we are on the same page… my question to you is do you welcome Perturbation?  Remember that it is change on a cellular structural level.  If you welcome the indicators listed below, then you also welcome the change.  If you resist the indicators listed below, then you also resist the change.

Not everyone will show the same indicators of Perturbation.  Some people will experience all six listed below (and some all at the same time) while others will only experience one or two.

My top 6 indicators of Perturbation are:

  1. Yawning – have you ever noticed that when you are learning something new, or when your mind has been really stretched, you’ll yawn (sometimes uncontrollably)?  Yup – this is the most common indicator of Perturbation.  I wish school teachers were educated on this during teacher training.  This is my personal indicator… and I got into trouble loads in school when the teacher would ask me if they were keeping me awake!
  2. Crying – emotional release.  No matter how you cut the dice this is good for us (including us men!).  When we cry, we let go of whatever emotion we were holding on to.  That’s change at a cellular level.  Remember that if you resist the indicator, then you resist the change.  I’ve found this interesting – if you are willing to experience crying, you don’t actually end up crying!  Here’s a blog post related to this that helps to explain the concept.
  3. Giggling – you know, the uncomfortable kind.  It’s another way of releasing energy from our system.
  4. Shaking – like a nervous twitch… ever notice that when you go to have a difficult conversation, whoever it is difficult for can start to twitch, or shake their leg, etc.
  5. Laughing – a higher level on the gradient, and similar to giggling.  This can include laughing at what is deemed to be an inappropriate moment.
  6. Turning red in the face – this often gets labeled as a reaction to embarrassment. I know when I turn red in the face I feel like the whole world can see it.  It’s a major energetic release if you can be willing to experience it.

Notice that all of these things are similar to the indicators of cellular change we see in the natural world.  For example, when a tree falls in the woods, over thousands of years pressure is exerted on the tree.  Eventually, the structure changes and the wood becomes coal.  Over many more thousands of years, the coal becomes diamonds.  During this process of change, there are bi-products (indicators) that change is occurring.  There will be movement (shaking), gas and heat being given off (turning red in the face) and other bi-products.

A different and similar example is the acorn that becomes the Oak tree.  First it germinates, sprouts, and then starts to grow.  Pressure is exerted on it through drought, heat, wind, cold, and other forces and it perturbates through the process of growing to a full sized Oak tree.  It uses resources as it goes through this process in a similar way to the way we use our bodies resources during perturbation (have you ever noticed how tired you are after learning something new???).

The Oak tree that is unprotected, out in the elements hammered by wind and rain – this tree will be the strongest.  The tree that is protected by many others is far weaker, and if ever exposed to these elements (because the protective trees are removed) will lie flat on the ground after the first major storm.

Something similar happens in humans – those who face the biggest adversity and move through it will be more prepared for the next adversity.

This is perturbation in action.  If you found this valuable, share away.  Let others get in on the fun!

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6 Indicators of Perturbation

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